Tag Archives: crush

WCW: Why Care What (People Think)?

You are beautiful when you are yourself, not when you’re whining for a shoutout, props, holla-back, or whatever you want to call it on Instagram.

Wednesdays were created for people to see the glass half full. My mentality on Wednesday is usually, “If I can make it past Monday and especially Tuesday, I am strong enough to push through. LORD GIVE ME THE STRENGTH.” (except not really the Lord part because I’m not that religious).

When I see people populating my news feed with pictures of pretty women and hashtags like #WCW #MyEverything #Woman #Crush #Wednesday #HumpDay #Hump #Her #Women #Live #Laugh #Love, it makes me think that there is nothing left for our society to fuck up. You’ve already ruined my Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and if you forgot to post your #SelfieSaturday on Saturday, THANKFULLY A DAY LIKE SUNDAY EXISTS FOR THE INFAMOUS #SelfieSunday POST.

Let’s think outside of the box for a second. Wouldn’t you love to take part in #WaffleWednesday? #WickedWednesdays where you post something that’s totally WICKED (only my MA peeps can adequately participate)? #WeightLossWednesday? #WisdomWednesday? Yeah, you know I like #WisdomWednesday. It gives users a change to prove that they’re more than just robots behind a cell phone screen and know more than a three-syllable word.

Woman Crush Wednesdays were created by women, of course, and it better be women that destroy it and burn it down to the ground – because we know men never will.

Now Playing: “Enemy” – the Weeknd. The Weeknd always has me feeling some type of way. AND DO YOU GET WHY I’M LISTENING TO THE WEEKND WHILE WRITING A BLURB ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. YA KNOW? DO YOU GET IT? YEAH? L-O-L.